Folk remedies for parasites in the human body

herbal remedy for parasites

According to statistics, every third person is once faced with the question of how to get rid of parasites in the body. Various helminths are waiting for a person everywhere, and almost no one is immune from infection, regardless of lifestyle and occupation.

No one is protected from worm infections of any kind. Staying in places of mass recreation of people, whether it is sanatoriums or camps, exposes a person to helminthic invasion. In addition, pets, dirty hands and food carry the risk of infection. Anyone can be infected with parasitic worms.

Unconventional means are often used in the fight against these diseases. Many different drugs are produced on their basis, which not only kill worms, but also contribute to their removal, cleansing of the intestines and regeneration of the body after the treatment of this disease.

Folk methods

When treating helminthiasis of any etiology at home, grandmother's medicines are very often used. The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large selection of anthelmintic drugs that have a strong effect on the body. As a result of taking them, side effects in the form of intoxication or allergies often occur.

Often, most parents are justifiably afraid to give medicine to their children when they treat worms. It is also not recommended to take antiparasitic drugs during pregnancy. This explains the wide popularity of traditional medicine in conducting anthelmintic therapy.

With their help, for many centuries, the helminths were successfully expelled, followed by a course of recovery. These can be herbal natural remedies, products of animal and mineral origin.

Among the natural antiparasitic agents that contain substances that eliminate parasites, it is worth noting:

  • coriander.It has a high anthelmintic effect with one daily intake of 3 grams of powder per day. To prepare it, cilantro seeds should be fried in a pan. Then grind to a powder. For prevention, it is recommended to use the powder three times a day for 7 days. In that case, they are simply advised to season the food.
  • Foxes.They contain chitinmannose, which has a detrimental effect on many species of parasitic worms. But effective mushrooms can only be raw. Therefore, only alcohol tincture is used during anthelmintic therapy. Recipe: Pour 300 ml of alcohol into 0. 1 kg of crushed basic raw materials and insist 2 weeks in the cold. Take 15-20 drops daily before bedtime. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to take the tincture in combination with mushrooms, which have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Onions.The infusion based on it is effective in the treatment of enterobiasis, ascariasis and giardiasis. To prepare it, the onion is crushed to a puree, after which the resulting puree is mixed with boiling water in the amount of one cup of boiling water. Insist 8 hours. The course of treatment consists of 5 days, during which it is necessary to drink half a glass of the drug in three doses a day.
  • Cones.They are the main raw material for making jam. In the process of its preparation, the cones should be mixed with water and placed on the stove, where they are cooked for 5 hours. After extracting the main raw material of the jam from the water. Then sugar is added to it in the same amount as water. The syrup is cooked for an hour and a half. The finished jam is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Sagebrush.Well-processed fresh flowers of the plant are used according to the following scheme: during the first day you need to eat 1 flower every 3 hours. 2-4 days - 2 flowers, 5-25 days three times a day for 2 grams.

Another method of administration is in the form of an infusion. Pour 50 g of dried wormwood inflorescences with two glasses of boiling water and let it stand for 24 hours.

  • Ginger root.When it dries, it should be ground to a powder. Dosage scheme: 10 grams with whole milk. The course of treatment is 7 days, during each of them it is necessary to take the medicine three times.
  • Black carnation.It is used in powder form. Scheme of application: 1 day - 500 mg, 2 days - 1000 mg, the next 8 days 1, 5 grams. It is taken three times a day after meals.
  • Pumpkin seeds.Used for many years. The course of treatment consists of taking raw seeds in the amount of 10-15 pieces over 2 weeks. Another way: grind 25 grams of seeds in a blender, mix with warm milk, take three times a day for 2, 5 weeks.
  • Garlic.It is used in the following variations. Enema solutions with milk or wormwood inflorescences. Oral intake: Pour 1 teaspoon of garlic juice into a glass of warm whole milk. It is taken three times a day. Another way to prepare the medicine: mash 5 cloves of this vegetable and mix with 250 ml of whole milk. Keep the mixture on low heat for 20 minutes. Take 10 ml every 4 hours for one week.

Sometimes different situations have been observed in which the use of natural alternative medicine is considered the only acceptable and effective medicine for antiparasitic therapy.

They often become assistants in cases where the use of anthelmintic drugs is contraindicated.

Bitan.Treatment of worms with such means related to alternative medicine is allowed on their own at home, but only after a consultative examination by a parasitologist.

spices for parasites

List of funds

Every person should know or at least have an idea of what antiparasitic agents exist. This is due to the fact that 95% of the world's population are their carriers. More than two thousand species of worms have been recorded in medical practice.

Each species has its favorite place of localization. These can be the respiratory organs, the digestive system, the liver, the blood and the brain. Helminth sizes can range from a few millimeters to meters. But, regardless of their type and size, they cause significant damage to the general state of human health and the functioning of all organic systems.

Alternative medicine offers drugs, the list of which is quite extensive. Many different medicines are prepared on their basis, with the help of which you can easily clean yourself from uninvited guests at home.

Such means are especially popular because they have a mild effect on the body and effectively remove helminths. The most popular antiparasitic agents include:

  • Dandelion root.
  • Wormwood
  • Garlic.
  • Onions.
  • Horseradish root.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Fennel fruit.
  • Chilli.
  • Meadow clover.
  • Yarrow.
  • coriander.
  • Thyme.

These herbal remedies and vegetables have been tested for many years and have managed to establish themselves as one of the most effective antiparasitic agents. It is also worth noting that in addition to a strong therapeutic effect, they are characterized by a minimal number of side effects.

folk remedies for parasites

Folk recipes for prevention

Many people, when they see unpleasant images of parasitic worms, think that they can easily avoid meeting them in real life. But, according to medical statistics, more than 90% of people are affected by helminths during their lifetime. Their individual species have excellent adaptation, which allows them to progress in the body without causing any symptoms.

With the systematic implementation of preventive manipulations for treatment, the risk of helminthic invasion is minimized. To do that, the rules of life should include constant cleanliness in the house, the absence of pets in the apartment, and if they are present, their systematic deworming, as well as strict adherence to the rules of food processing.

The following recipes are often used to prevent helminth infestation:

  • Eating pumpkin seeds in the morning on an empty stomach is an effective and enjoyable way to prevent parasites. After their use, it is recommended to take laxatives.
  • One of the best preventative remedies is garlic. For that, it is recommended to drink on an empty stomach with warm milk. Then take a laxative.
  • Pour 25 grams of celandine in a glass of boiling water, insist, strain, take in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.
  • Pomegranate peel tincture is used in the morning on an empty stomach and then a laxative.
  • Enema with carrot juice.
  • Mix tansy powder with chopped garlic, pour over milk and cook over low heat. Cool, strain and use the finished enema solution.
  • Milk porridge on garlic is taken per teaspoon 3 times in slices before the main meal.

Every properly chosen folk remedy is effective, both in the treatment of helminthic invasion and in its prevention. But don't experiment with your health.

You can buy ready-made folk remedies. But there are also many recipes with which you can prepare any anthelmintic on your own. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the correct selection of all components.

Only a parasitologist is able to help you choose the right anthelmintic folk remedy, taking into account the specific type of parasite that has affected your body. Strict adherence to all medical regulations will help you get rid of worms as soon as possible.

pumpkin seeds against parasites